Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Apple iPhone 15 Release Date

Apple is well known for releasing new versions of its flagship iPhone mobile phone in the fall of each year. The exact release date is never known for sure (especially this early in the year) and it has become customary for Apple to keep the surprise in their back pocket - typically announcing just before the product is released.  That said, industry insiders "reliably" leak information well ahead of the launch, so count on 2023 being no different!

Again, it's all rumor and conjecture until Apple formally announces their new iPhone release date, but by the time they do, history tells us their shiny new package will be mostly unwrapped - giving us a pretty good idea of what they have in store for their next generation phone!

Until then, it's fun to let the iPhone rumors fly and get lost in a video of what the year may bring ... iPhone 15 Release Date and Price.

Apple iPhone 15 Release Date

More iPhone 15 Rumors and Speculation

It is also rumored that the iPhone 15 may cost more than the iPhone 14 and Apple's current mobile phone line, due to the current state of the economy and supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic over the last few years. As this space continues to mature and technology continues to evolve in leaps and bounds, I'd expect to see a leveling of prices around costs we've become accustomed to. 

Over the past number of years, Apple has expanded its product line of iPhones, iPads, and Watches to meet the needs of a much larger consumer base.  From their flagship iPhone Pro Max, to the rumored new iPhone 15 Ultra (perhaps Apple will follow in the footsteps of the naming convention they used for their 2022 watch line - introducing the new Apple Watch Ultra) down to the affordable iPhone SE, anyone looking to buy a cell phone will find one in Apple's ecosystem that's competitive with the likes of Google, Samsung, and the other major cell phone manufacturers.

Apple's iPhone Release Date History

Until we know more, here's the actual iPhone release date - looking back at what Apple has done over the last number of years.  If you want to get a comprehensive view of iPhone's evolution and launch dates from when Steve Jobs first brought it to us in his keynote speech, look no further than Wikipedia.  Yes, it's a rabbit hole and easy to get lost in the weeds, but it will give great perspective on how Apple has gone about releasing their iPhone.

iPhone Release Date History

Again, it is way too early to make any reliable predictions about the upcoming iPhone features or release date, but I'd be surprised if Apple deviates from what they've done in recent history and we can anticipate that upgrades will be incremental (focusing on IOS software updates, screen viewability, and speed enhancements with the next generation of Apple silicon.
Speculate away about the iPhone 15 release date, but take everything with a grain of salt at this point!

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